Bright Spots

Bright Spots
Anna Walker

Hope For a New Normal

Santos and Angela Soriano are ambitious, warm, and hopeful people from the community of El Chaparral. After living in El Chaparral for over 50 years, they have become prominent members of their community. During a visit with the family, the warm sounds of children laughing and playing echo in the background. When asked, Don Santos’ smile widens as he proudly states that he has 8 children and 20 grandchildren. He explains that one of his sons is even a member of the Community Leadership Committee. His pride for his family is written plainly on his face.

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Amigos Story
Joey McGinn

Team Spotlight: Marierling

On any given day, you can find Marierling in the communities where we work, walking from house to house, visiting with families. She is one

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Amigos Story
Ivette Rivera

Meet Donald

For over two decades, Amigos for Christ has been committed to transforming lives in rural Nicaragua, and by God’s grace, we continue to reach families,

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Bright Spots
Guest Author

Esperanza Means Hope

Written By: Paola Montalvo Doña Esperanza gives a whole new meaning to her name, Hope.    Two years ago, her family didn’t have clean, running water.

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Bright Spots
Joey McGinn

Shine a Light

Doña Liliam has spent the better part of her life in the small community of Las Torres. Located about 2 hours north of Chinandega, 51

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