Communications Coordinator. Anna joined Amigos for Christ in 2020. She loves the mission of Amigos, and as part of the communications team, she seeks to follow Jesus’ perfect example of service so that His love and power become more visible. Being blessed as part of the Amigos Familia, Anna views it as a privilege to bring joy to Nicaraguan neighbors for the glory of her loving Savior.

Hope For a New Normal

Santos and Angela Soriano are ambitious, warm, and hopeful people from the community of El Chaparral. After living in El Chaparral for over 50 years, they have become prominent members of their community. During a visit with the family, the warm sounds of children laughing and playing echo in the background. When asked, Don Santos’ smile widens as he proudly states that he has 8 children and 20 grandchildren. He explains that one of his sons is even a member of the Community Leadership Committee. His pride for his family is written plainly on his face.  

Don Santos spends each day under the hot Nicaraguan sun, raising livestock that provides for his family. He explains that he works specifically with cows, chickens, and pigs, but he helps other farmers in the community with their livestock as well. Helping others is quite a theme when referring to the Soriano family! 

The Soriano family currently has a well that they share with 2 other families, but Don Santos explains that wells in his community often dry out during the dry season which lasts from March until June. He also explains that when there is water in the well, it is contaminated. Due to this, his family and other families in communities often struggle with parasites and other water-borne illnesses. They often add Clorox to their water in order to purify it. 

This is their reality - but what if there was hope for a new normal?

Despite the hardships and circumstances, the vibrant and smiling faces of the Soriano family embodied just that – hope. When we face a challenge or setback, we keep waking up because hope tells us that this too shall pass. When we are sick, it is hope that makes us believe that we will get better. When we go without, it is the hope of being fulfilled that temporarily satisfies and creates a feeling of contentment. Doña Angela happily says,

“We are excited to be an example for other members of our community. We don’t want the change to stop with us. We hope for total community transformation.”

We always have the choice to believe and hope in the unseen. Don Santos and Doña Angela believe in a better future for their children, grandchildren, and generations to come. They hope and long for a transformation for all 66 families in the community of El Chaparral.  The breaking ground for the water system of El Chaparral is quickly approaching. On February 16, these hopes and dreams will take their first steps to becoming a reality. 

To Support Future Water Projects

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