Communications Coordinator. Anna joined Amigos for Christ in 2020. She loves the mission of Amigos, and as part of the communications team, she seeks to follow Jesus’ perfect example of service so that His love and power become more visible. Being blessed as part of the Amigos Familia, Anna views it as a privilege to bring joy to Nicaraguan neighbors for the glory of her loving Savior.

Moments That Mark Us

“How can ONE moment of your time transform a life?”

Walking down the dirt road in the community of La Danta, leaving Luis Enrique and Rebeca Elisabeth’s home, this question echoed in my head. Visiting with Rebeca and her four, beautiful children, Fernanda, Natalia, Rebeca, and Luis David, was so special, and as always, inspiring.

At one point during our visit, Rebeca excitedly ran into the house, only to return with an old science textbook. As we looked closer, we realized that the book was more than just photosynthesis and basic human anatomy. It was the home of a year’s worth of memories, people, and moments from the family’s past. Rebeca pulled old, tattered photographs from the pages of the book and described each one proudly. We saw faded pictures of Luis Enrique and Rebeca Elisabeth as children, multiple proud graduates, and a beautiful bride and groom. There were 3 pictures that clinched my heart. The power of a single moment became so apparent when sweet Rebeca reached into the book and pulled out photographs of past Amigos for Christ groups. Looking at the pictures, the question entered my head: How can ONE moment of your time transform a life?

Some days, in the blazing Nicaraguan sun, as we dig with shovels, side by side in a ginormous hole, it is tempting to wonder, “Why can’t we just rent a backhoe?” or, “Maybe we can just hire a construction team to finish this one.” Of course, Luis and Rebeca enjoy their running water and modern bathroom. We could spend all day discussing the emotional and physical benefits of having these necessities. However, in that moment, it was clear. The connection that is formed during mission trips, during the moments spent digging, laughing, and sharing hearts… 

 This connection is just as powerful and transformative.

Luis, Rebeca, and their children remember their special connection with the group that worked in their community. They hold this connection in such high regard, they have placed the pictures in the book alongside the most important moments in their lives. What might seem like only a moment, only a day, only a week, can be so much more when God-given talents and servants’ hearts are used in order to transform lives.


Acts 2:44 states, “All the believers were together and they had everything in common.” The passage goes on to describe the fellowship of believers, the design for the church, and God’s will for our lives. It should be no surprise that our souls crave connection and relationships with others. The Bible says that it is good and necessary. We are so blessed to use one moment of our time to cultivate real, special relationships and transform lives in the process. 

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