Communications Director. Since joining the team in 2018, Morgan continues to find inspiration on a daily basis from the passion brought to the table by the entire Amigos familia, team, and communities we partner with. She feels lucky to play a role in the story God is writing through Amigos and loves connecting others to the heart and transformation behind it all.

How to Love the Long Way

In a lot of ways, our work at Amigos for Christ is designed with people and relationships in mind. We hope to model our work off how Jesus lived his life and ministry – showing up for people, loving, serving, and encouraging them.

We like to say we “love the long way”. Our approach to community development is not the “norm” nor the “quick-fix” style. We prioritize digging a ditch juntos, over using machinery. We prioritize providing water to every home with faucets over providing a single community well water source.


It allows us to connect with people one-on-one. These relationships provide us with the opportunity to encourage 

the families we have the joy of partnering with in ways that machinery or a one-size-fits-all approach would rob us of.

I met my friend Nerys in 2018. I had just joined the team here at Amigos for Christ and we were working on her community’s water system. If you worked in El Pedregal, I know you remember Nerys – her joy, smile, and energy are not something you easily forget. She was and still is characterized as a community leader, trailblazer, and someone who will give you the shirt off of her back if you need it. She was a pillar, alongside her family and the other community leaders and families, in making this project a reality. A project that would quickly inspire an entire sector of communities to initiate their own clean water projects all around El Pedregal.
It wasn’t until recently, when I had the opportunity to visit her and reflect on the last 6 years, that I was able to learn what’s really unfolded in Nerys’ heart, family, and community after the gift of receiving clean water.
We know that clean, running water is the first step in development. We’ve seen it over and over again. But as I sat and listened to Nerys, I couldn’t help but be filled with gratitude – for God’s faithfulness in her life and His hand in the work we get to so graciously be a part of.

As Nerys shared, she talked about the Nerys from 2018 – a single mom who struggled to see a bigger picture or vision for her future. And then she talked about the Nerys today. A Nerys who not only has served her community on the Water and Sanitation Committee where she learned skills like fixing pipes, speaking in public, and the art of habit change, but she also put in the work to singlehandedly build her and her daughter their own home – so they could have their own space and their own water faucet and modern bathroom next door to her parents.

A Nerys who is now the go-to water system maintenance provider in her community. A Nerys who fought to be a small business entrepreneur to build this dream home – and a Nerys who enrolled in the University this year to become a nurse so that she can both take care of her aging parents and also serve her local community. A Nerys whose dreams are limitless both for her and her daughter Leverling Ninoska.

2018 Nerys never could’ve dreamed up or imagined what 2024 Nerys has accomplished and is continuing to accomplish.

She described herself several times as the protagonist of her own life – that will the help of God and the kindness of friends her life has been transformed – and she has been in the driver’s seat the whole way.

Clean water is just the first step – and this is why we love the long way. The confidence, the transformation, and the dreams that unfold when we model what Jesus did – showing up, loving, encouraging, and serving others are what continue to drive the work we do.


Nerys, thank you – for being the light that you are. For being the luchadora that you are – for paving a way to a brighter future all while giving God the glory. You are a bright spot in my life and the lives of so many others. I look forward to what the next 6 years and beyond have in store.

Transforming life in Nicaragua

This summer, our hope is to provide 155 families just like Nerys’ family with clean, running water directly in their homes. We know and trust that God will take that gift of clean, running water and multiply it into dreams and transformation. It costs $1,615 to provide 1 family with this gift.

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