
Amigos Team
Grant Otte

Simple Invitations

After 6.5 years working at Amigos, my wife Nelly and I made the decision to begin the next chapter of our lives in the United

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Bright Spots
Morgan Coil

What do we take to heaven?

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the impact of our work at Amigos for Christ. To date, we’ve served alongside over 20,000+ individuals living

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Christ More Visible
Morgan Coil

Taking Chances

God Using Partnerships for His Good In June of 2018, I wondered if I would ever be able to move to Nicaragua. I was eager

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Christ More Visible
Sabrina Bland

¡Buenas! ¡Adelante!

“¡Buenas! ¿Permiso?” “¡Buenas! ¡Adelante!” These are the 2 phrases that are always spoken when we visit a house in the community. “¡Buenas! ¿Permiso?” Hello! Permission

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Amigos Story
Brandon Walker

Complete My Joy

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by

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Amigos Story
Morgan Coil

The One

Every morning in Chinandega, you quite literally feel the hustle and bustle of life around you. From the first glimpses of the sun rising in

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Amigos Story
Kristin Sutton

Why Stay?

Throughout my career at Amigos, I’ve often been asked how I first started working here. Like most of our team members, I enjoy sharing the

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