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Persevere, Praise, and Pass It On

Written by: Lynnaya Preuss
 Fall 2022 Intern Community development Team Intern

Persevere, praise, and pass it on.

These are the words that come to mind when I think of Doña Dilenia and Doña Jenifer— two women from the community of La Grecia whom I had the joy of visiting during my time as an intern with Amigos’ Community Development team.

On a weekly basis, Dilenia and Jenifer each welcomed me into their homes to continue our conversations about progressing towards a goal: keeping themselves sufficiently hydrated, utilizing their reliable access to clean drinking water to benefit their health.

No matter who we are or what we set out to accomplish, implementing change in our lives has its difficulties. For both Dilenia and Jenifer, one challenge they faced was how their body reacted when trying to drink amounts of water that they weren’t accustomed to. Also, transitioning from not being mindful of to proactively and consistently reflecting on how much they were drinking throughout the day was trying at times. What was required to overcome— to surpass or master these two obstacles – was perseverance.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Over the course of the weeks I visited them, Dilenia and Jenifer chose to push through initial struggle, even consistent struggle, not letting a day of pain or failure ultimately deter them or cause them to quit entirely. Just as the Apostle Paul encouraged in his Letter to the Romans, these two women demonstrated an inspired attitude and effort. Eyes on the prize, they persevered.
Dilenia and Jenifer’s stories are also ones of praise. Spend any time working with Amigos and you’ll know that each day is full of moments of praise, uplifting thanks to God for the work He’s doing in individual lives and in whole communities in Nicaragua. Moreover, every win is worthy of praise; there is no “small” achievement.
Lastly, when I think of Dilenia and Jenifer, I think of the phrase Pass it on! Often when we’d sit talking, Jenifer’s daughter or son (or both!) would listen in on our discussions. Dilenia’s husband joined one conversation. Sometimes there’d be more to say about setbacks than successes. But although we may think that amidst our struggles our capacity to encourage others is diminished, I believe the opposite can be true: we are bearing witness to God’s power at work within us helping us to continue on. Others see that we rely on His strength and that it is available to them as well.
In fact, I’d say that this example set by her mother contributed to Jenifer’s daughter’s test results indicating improved kidney health and that Dilenia’s changing habits will be noticed by those around her. Each in their own way, these two women are leaders in their families, encouraging their spouses and children to drink more water. Essentially, passing on the life transformation!
Persevere, Praise, Pass It On

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