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Chief Storyteller. You can usually find Ivi with a big smile on her face and a camera in her hand. She is passionate about telling stories of transformation and loves being a part of all the good happening here in Nicaragua.

Education Changes Everything.

Education can completely change the trajectory of a child’s life. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles to receiving a formal education in Nicaragua; Amigos for Christ is working to change this. 

For Marbely Carrasco, access to education came in the form of both a high school and college scholarship through Leaders in Action, Amigos’ scholarship program. Through these scholarships, Marbely became the first member of her family to ever graduate high school and then the first to graduate from college. 

Her degree opened the door to many career paths, but she chose to use her education to become a Community Advocate for Amigos for Christ. Now, she helps guide families through all the programs that Amigos offers

“I feel blessed to be the first to graduate in my family. I am so happy that I was able to reach the goal that I always had, and that now I’m able to help my community develop. It makes me so happy! Now, I am serving my community and helping them to dream big, and I know I will see the lives of so many families being transformed in the future.”

Amigos is proud to have Marbely on our team! Her contagious smile shines everywhere she goes. She has become a community leader and an example to young girls because of her passion and drive. Her parents taught her to hope and to serve her community, and her education gave her the confidence and resilience to overcome adversity. Her light shines as an inspiration for us all.

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