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Chief Storyteller. You can usually find Ivi with a big smile on her face and a camera in her hand. She is passionate about telling stories of transformation and loves being a part of all the good happening here in Nicaragua.

Hope in La Coyotera

When asked what they appreciated about their teacher, Esperanza, the students in La Coyotera were quick to respond with words of praise, each proud to call her their teacher. They gave answers like: 

“She is a very kind person.” 

“She is teaching me to read.” 

“I can dance and play at school.” 

“She gives me books to read in class.” 

“She’s always happy and fun!”

Esperanza has eight years of classroom experience. She walks an extremely long, rocky road each morning to arrive at the school where she teaches. Despite the distance, Esperanza is punctual; she always arrives on time to teach six primary grades. This dedicated teacher stretches the limited educational resources of La Coyotera to support her students as they develop basic literacy and math skills.

Esperanza is a Bright Spot in this Education Center. She motivates students with fun songs and educational games. Outside of the school, she is a community leader who works with children, youth, families, and community members to ensure that her students reach their full potential.

“No matter the circumstances, I always try to make an extra effort for my students. My experience as a teacher has been a real gift. My students are very dedicated, hungry to learn.”

This thirst for learning inspires Esperanza’s commitment to her students. The little ones make her long walk into school each day worthwhile.

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