
Danny Duggan

Abundant Generosity

The first goal of our community development model Plan 7 pertains to leadership: that in every community we partner with, local leaders are the owners

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Christ More Visible
Ivette Rivera

Before the Bazaar 

Written by:  Lynnaya Preuss  I love a good garage sale. As a little girl, I would scooter around the neighborhood looking for a special treasure

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Bright Spots
Morgan Coil

What do we take to heaven?

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the impact of our work at Amigos for Christ. To date, we’ve served alongside over 20,000+ individuals living

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Christ More Visible
Laura Myers

Leaders in Action 2022 Retreat

Dreams, goals, the future…these are common themes in the lives of high school and university students all over the world and especially in the lives

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1 Manzana Project
Anna Walker

One Step Further

Eduardo José Picado Juárez, 55, and his brother Sergio José Picado, 52, would be the firsts to scoff at the familiar adage, “You can’t teach

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Sabrina Bland

Lead By Example

Leadership can be a strange charge. We often think of leaders as elected officials. People chosen by the majority to take charge, help others, and

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Amigos Story
Danny Duggan

You Create Hope

You create hope. Hope is expectation. Hope is that deep desire for more. Hope is that feeling of trust. Trust that there is more to come, and

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