Gratitude Coordinator. Sabrina has been a part of the Amigos story since it began, and she is truly grateful that she is able to tell the story of impact to our family with photographs, videos, stories, and art. Though trained as a nurse, she believes her work now is the same- she can bring healing and hope into people’s lives by allowing them to see their involvement in Amigos as God does – with deep joy that they are bringing about the Kingdom here and now for families in Nicaragua.

Father and Daughter Transformed

Families that go on mission trips together are often changed. This transformation is exactly what happened to Daryl and his daughter, Victoria. Daryl was first invited to serve with Amigos for Christ by his good friends, Jeff and Elizabeth Hughes. The Hughes family went on and on about the progress and transformation taking place in rural Nicaragua. Finally, Daryl gathered a group from his church, Lifepoint Church, and they decided to see for themselves.

After Daryl’s first visit, he was extremely motivated to get his whole family to serve in Nicaragua. “When my dad got back from his first trip to Nicaragua, he didn’t give our family an option! He was extremely adamant about us going to serve together, and I was really excited,” said Victoria. Little did they know, the family’s trip would awaken a deeper love for people, service, and Jesus. Daryl and Victoria have served with Amigos for Christ many times since Daryl’s first trip to Nicaragua.

Why do Daryl and Victoria keep returning to Nicaragua?

“Every time that we go, we see life change in the communities, on the Amigos team and on the mission trip group that we bring. It’s awesome. I also see how God is re-working everything in me. From my views on productivity to the rhythm of my life, He is re-shaping all of it. A lot of that work has happened in Nicaragua."

“The reason I keep coming back is mainly because of the sense of being home. From the minute I walk outside of the airport, I just know that I am in a place that I can call home. I have built amazing relationships, and now each trip is like a family reunion. I have served as a Servant Leader Intern because I felt like that was what God was calling me to do. Nicaragua is just home for me.”

And what growth do Daryl and Victoria see in one another?

Victoria is a remarkably mature and centered young woman for her young age of 17 years old. Daryl says he wishes he could go back to his 17-year-old self and beg himself to be more serious about loving people and understanding his God-given purpose. “I see how comfortable Victoria is in her skin, and it’s so refreshing. She can be a kid or charge a hill. She can lead worship or dig a ditch. I think that comfort and confidence comes from seeing herself as God sees her.” 

Daryl is just happy to see his daughter’s love for Christ grow and be amplified, “I have loved watching my daughter grow each trip that we have taken to Nicaragua. These trips have highlighted her compassion for people. They have shaped her perspective on life as well as possessions and joy.” 

Victoria echoes the same sentiments. “Dad’s passion to see people come alive is so evident now. He really does push for people to join a trip with Amigos because he knows that people leave Nicaragua changed. I am just really grateful. I’m thankful to my dad for being faithful to pursue a partnership with Amigos and for cultivating my passion for mission work. I would also want to thank Amigos for Christ for creating an environment for people to be open to what God is telling them. After becoming a part of the Amigos Family, you aren’t just another face. You are genuinely loved and poured into.” 

Join us on a Mission Trip and work juntos as we transform lives here in rural Nicaragua!

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