Sabrina Bland

Christ More Visible
Sabrina Bland

What a kitchen can do ?

What happens to a girl who helps her mom in Nicaragua every day? She cleans. She watches siblings. She cooks.  Her days are filled with

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Christ More Visible
Sabrina Bland


I just reread John 15; 1-8. I love the idea that Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. Such lovely allegory and description.

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Christ More Visible
Sabrina Bland

Balloons, Pigeons and Jesus

Watching children here play with balloons, I am reminded of my childhood. How 6-year me loved balloons. How many of us heard our mothers yelling,

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Christ More Visible
Sabrina Bland

¡Buenas! ¡Adelante!

“¡Buenas! ¿Permiso?” “¡Buenas! ¡Adelante!” These are the 2 phrases that are always spoken when we visit a house in the community. “¡Buenas! ¿Permiso?” Hello! Permission

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Sabrina Bland

Lead By Example

Leadership can be a strange charge. We often think of leaders as elected officials. People chosen by the majority to take charge, help others, and

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Christ More Visible
Sabrina Bland

Do You See What I See?

Mark 10: 46-52 tells the story of Bartimaeus, the blind man who asked Jesus to be healed as he was leaving Jericho. I recently re-read

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1 Manzana Project
Sabrina Bland

The Pig Nursery

The pig nursery is complete! The piglets and sows now have a clean and cool area to thrive and grow as they provide local farmers

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1 Manzana Project
Sabrina Bland

Leaving a Legacy

Don Cristobal Lopez has lived in the community of La Coyotera for most of his 64 years of life. In the recent past, he grew

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