Transforming Life in Nicaragua

Transforming People

Dear Amigos Family,

2021 was a year of hope in Chinandega. As our team served more families than we ever have before, we experienced the stretch that comes hand-in-hand with growth. In those moments, we made a choice that we have made over and over in our 23-year history: people come first. As you read through the pages of this annual report, we celebrate with you the breadth of your impact, transforming thousands and thousands of lives through growing programs and proven strategies. But what we celebrate most is the depth of your impact: the tangible change in a single life, a single family, a single community. Behind every number in this report, there is a person whose life has been transformed. Chinandega is a place of hope, and you get all the credit. Thank you for walking with us.



Kristin Sutton


John Bland


TRANSFORMING every family

The goal of Water for Chinandega is for every family in the state of Chinandega, Nicaragua to have clean water and sanitation by 2032. In rural Nicaragua, 69% of families lack access to clean water in their homes. The direct consequence of this statistic on a family’s health is dire. We are committed to changing this so that families can live healthy, purpose-filled lives.
After 68 years of living without access to clean, running water, Teofilo is overjoyed to help lead the way to clean water in his community of San Miguelito. Without leadership and vision, community water systems are not possible, and Teofilo is helping drive his community to success. In 2021, San Miguelito dug the final 4.5 miles of their main water line! Soon, Teofilo and his family will have 24/7 access to clean, running water.


Teofilo is just 1 of the who are continuing to encourage progress and transformation within their respective community water systems.

2,259 people in 6 different communities are on the journey to receive clean running water.

Water for Chinandega Community Advocates visited 1,223 houses, casting vision and organizing community water projects in partnering communities.

Working juntos, community members, the Amigos team, and volunteers hand-dug 23.34 miles of water line that will bring clean running water to every home.

The new WaterPerfect App, developed for sustainable and transparent water system management, is being used by community leaders to serve 210 families in El Chaparral and La Picota.

Transforming Communities

Plan 7 is Amigos for Christ’s community development model that generates sustainable growth in rural Nicaraguan communities. Amigos walks alongside communities for 7 years to accomplish goals in the areas of leadership, water, health, education, and economic development.

José Daniel

In 2021, 8-year-old José Daniel’s life was changed when access to clean water and preventative health education enabled him to fight off pathogenic parasites. Ending preventable disease is one of the main goals of Plan 7 because it has an immediate impact on a family’s quality of life. Now, José Daniel doesn’t have to worry about parasites, and he gets to focus on just being a kid and pursuing his dream of becoming a professional baseball player.
José Daniel’s family is just 1 of the who experienced life transformation through Plan 7 in 2021.

219 community leaders on CAPS, CDC, and CDJ committees attended 152 trainings to continue refining their leadership skills.

277 Modern Bathrooms were constructed, ending the use of unsanitary latrines and preventing the cycle of intestinal parasites.

When communities first partner with Amigos, 81% of people test positive for parasites, on average. In 2021, 1,286 community members participated in urine and fecal exams, 75% of which are now parasite-free!

Community Advocates continue to teach students and their families the importance of education. 480 students celebrate having an attendance rate of 90% or higher!

Families participated in 489 financial trainings, taking steps toward financial understanding and freedom.


Business for Transformation is a small-business-creation program facilitated by Amigos for Christ. Throughout our two decades of experience working in rural communities, we have faced the obstacles of overcoming poverty and the challenges of helping families increase their incomes. Amigos for Christ invests in small agricultural businesses, with the ultimate goal of creating sustainable and debt-free enterprises that provide employment to local community members.
Years ago, Victorino and his family lost their home in the devastation caused by Hurricane Mitch. After years of struggling to make ends meet, the Microcredit Loan Program has given Victorino the ability to start a new chapter. Over the years, he has been able to slowly invest in his home through the Modern Bathroom and Clean Air Kitchen projects. In 2021, he graduated from the program debt-free and reinvested his own savings in the development of his farm. Today he and his family are examples for others seeking financial freedom!


Victorino is just 1 of the who graduated from the Microcredit Loan Program this year.

With the help of the FarmPerfect App, Amigos processed 28 different types of crops from the 1 Manzana farms, providing increased revenue for all partnering farms.

The Business for Transformation Team processed over 2,500 purchase orders from local families and businesses, serving 80 active clients all across Chinandega.

12 new irrigation systems were installed on 1 Manzana farms, providing a year-round, dependable water source for crops.

3 new pig nurseries were constructed on 1 Manzana farms, each allowing local farmers to raise and sell 75 pigs per year.

Farmers harvested 156,000 pounds of fresh, organic produce from 1 Manzana farms, and 95% of the produce was sold to local businesses and individuals throughout Chinandega.

Transforming the Next Generation

Quality education and the development of the next generation are the keys to ending the cycle of poverty in rural Nicaragua. Through the Amigos Academy at La Chuscada, Leaders in Action, and the Amigos Baseball Academy, we are committed to investing in the next leaders and visionaries of Nicaragua.


Stephanie is a star 6th grader at the Amigos Academy who boasts perfect attendance and dreams of growing up to become a doctor. Attending the Amigos Academy has given Stephanie access to a quality education that would not have been possible before. Equipped with the best teachers, curriculum, and technology, Stephanie is receiving a one-of-a-kind opportunity to develop and thrive academically.
Stephanie is just 1 of the whose lives are being transformed at the Amigos Academy

20 Leaders in Action students graduated from high school and college. 

Leaders in Action students gave back by completing 7,308 community service hours.  

The Amigos Academy farm produced over 4,554 pounds of fresh fruits and veggies to help serve over 78,550 meals to students and teachers in the school cafeteria.  

The 172 students at the Amigos Academy boasted a 98% attendance rate for the school year! 

Amigos Baseball Academy student athletes celebrated  100% school attendance!  


Amigos for Christ is partnering with Chosen Eye Mission from Amarillo, TX to create a state-of-the-art eye surgery hospital in Chinandega. It will be the best in the entire country. The surgical hospital will offer free cataract and retina surgeries to those who cannot afford the procedures. One patient at a time, sight will be restored and lives will be completely transformed.
Dr. Jill Neely, born and raised in Managua, Nicaragua, and her husband, Dr. David Neely, born and raised in Huntsville, AL, have moved to Nicaragua to help establish and operate the Chosen Eye Clinic that will serve the blind of Nicaragua, both physically and spiritually.  Dr. David will serve as ophthalmologic surgeon and Dr. Jill will serve as medical director of the clinic. This couple will be working closely with the Nicaraguan people, facilitating patient care with Nicaraguan ophthalmologists to identify patients in need and ensure they receive the best possible care. Patient care and surgeries will be performed weekly.

The Neelys

Stories That Inspire Our Team

Advancing Into 2022

Through the generosity of our Amigos Family, we will continue to invest in the growth and measurable results of our programs as we make Christ more visible through our service.

Browse the Full 2021 Annual Report Here

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