Transforming Life in Nicaragua
Transforming People
Dear Amigos Family,
2021 was a year of hope in Chinandega. As our team served more families than we ever have before, we experienced the stretch that comes hand-in-hand with growth. In those moments, we made a choice that we have made over and over in our 23-year history: people come first. As you read through the pages of this annual report, we celebrate with you the breadth of your impact, transforming thousands and thousands of lives through growing programs and proven strategies. But what we celebrate most is the depth of your impact: the tangible change in a single life, a single family, a single community. Behind every number in this report, there is a person whose life has been transformed. Chinandega is a place of hope, and you get all the credit. Thank you for walking with us.
Kristin Sutton
John Bland
TRANSFORMING every family
2,259 people in 6 different communities are on the journey to receive clean running water.
Water for Chinandega Community Advocates visited 1,223 houses, casting vision and organizing community water projects in partnering communities.
Working juntos, community members, the Amigos team, and volunteers hand-dug 23.34 miles of water line that will bring clean running water to every home.
The new WaterPerfect App, developed for sustainable and transparent water system management, is being used by community leaders to serve 210 families in El Chaparral and La Picota.
Transforming Communities
José Daniel
219 community leaders on CAPS, CDC, and CDJ committees attended 152 trainings to continue refining their leadership skills.
277 Modern Bathrooms were constructed, ending the use of unsanitary latrines and preventing the cycle of intestinal parasites.
When communities first partner with Amigos, 81% of people test positive for parasites, on average. In 2021, 1,286 community members participated in urine and fecal exams, 75% of which are now parasite-free!
Community Advocates continue to teach students and their families the importance of education. 480 students celebrate having an attendance rate of 90% or higher!
Families participated in 489 financial trainings, taking steps toward financial understanding and freedom.
With the help of the FarmPerfect App, Amigos processed 28 different types of crops from the 1 Manzana farms, providing increased revenue for all partnering farms.
The Business for Transformation Team processed over 2,500 purchase orders from local families and businesses, serving 80 active clients all across Chinandega.
12 new irrigation systems were installed on 1 Manzana farms, providing a year-round, dependable water source for crops.
3 new pig nurseries were constructed on 1 Manzana farms, each allowing local farmers to raise and sell 75 pigs per year.
Farmers harvested 156,000 pounds of fresh, organic produce from 1 Manzana farms, and 95% of the produce was sold to local businesses and individuals throughout Chinandega.
Transforming the Next Generation
20 Leaders in Action students graduated from high school and college.
Leaders in Action students gave back by completing 7,308 community service hours.
The Amigos Academy farm produced over 4,554 pounds of fresh fruits and veggies to help serve over 78,550 meals to students and teachers in the school cafeteria.
The 172 students at the Amigos Academy boasted a 98% attendance rate for the school year!
Amigos Baseball Academy student athletes celebrated 100% school attendance!
The Neelys
Stories That Inspire Our Team
Brian Recommends:
With Influence Comes Responsibility
“I like the story about the community of San Miguelito. I like the way the community is portrayed, the need for clean water and the responsibility that comes with it are well stated, and the personal side of it with Teofilo and his family is beautiful!”
Grant Recommends:
He Won’t Carry Water
<p>“My favorite story is the one about Olman. I love his story of having a visible scar of the difficulty of getting water when he was younger and the dangers and problems that it entails. His dream for a better life for his son and the sacrifices he has made to make it possible is inspiring.”</p>
Tessa Recommends:
Understanding Alexa
<p>“I <strong style="font-weight: bold;">LOVE</strong> the Alexa story. It is inspiring to see how her life was transformed in such a short period of time, and it gives me great hope for Alexa’s future. It’s amazing to see how God is using the gifts and skills of the teachers at the Amigos Academy to help the next generation of Nicaragua.”</p>
Marierling Recommends:
Who Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up?
“Reading this story, I felt like I had the opportunity to see how the Amigos Academy is molding students for life – teaching them values, principles, and encouraging them to become incredible citizens of their communities. Through education and the grace of God, we can transform the trajectories of students’ futures.”
John Recommends:
Work and Keep
“The Work and Keep story is dear to my heart. I have known both Alfredo Sr. and Alfredo Jr. for a very long time and to see the progress they have made in their lives is amazing. Transformed people transform people. This story gave a great picture of how God envisioned agriculture and all its challenges. Alfredo and his son are examples of people that have taken on this challenge and have made the most of their opportunity.”
Leydin Recommends:
You Create Hope
“I like this story because it inspires me to keep growing in my faith. With God, we always have hope that allows us to accomplish our goals juntos. This story inspires me to encourage people to use their gifts and talents, just like Eddy.”
Chico Recommends:
Bright as Yellow
“I love this story! It shows us in a very creative way that in the middle of fatigue and stress and hard times, we can see God's faithfulness like trees that flourish in the desert, announcing better times. Rain is coming soon!!”
Laura Recommends:
All Parts Are Glad
“All Parts are Glad really caught my attention with the verses from 1 Corinthians 12. I see this truth played out in all the work we do here at Amigos. Each community member and team member plays a special role in the transformation we see happening daily in the communities. If one part of the body is hurting, we all hurt, and in turn, when one part rejoices, we all rejoice and are glad.”
Danny Recommends:
Moments That Mark Us
“Whether we are working on a building a water system, constructing a Modern Bathroom or harvesting organic fruits and veggies on a farm, we can confidently say that the work will always get done. This confidence allows us to always choose <strong style="font-weight: bold;">people over progress.</strong> It's the person we are working alongside that always comes first to create the moments that mark us.”