Communications Coordinator. Anna joined Amigos for Christ in 2020. She loves the mission of Amigos, and as part of the communications team, she seeks to follow Jesus’ perfect example of service so that His love and power become more visible. Being blessed as part of the Amigos Familia, Anna views it as a privilege to bring joy to Nicaraguan neighbors for the glory of her loving Savior.

All Parts Are Glad

“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ.”

1 Corinthians 12:12

If you pass through the gate of Amigos for Christ and drive northwest up Highway 12, you will be surrounded by sugar cane and peanut fields as far as the eye can see. About 40 minutes into your drive, you will come upon a windy dirt road just to your left. After bumping along for 15 more minutes and convincing yourself that you must be lost, you will happen upon a small community. A community called La Picota. A home for 147 families that for the first time ever, now enjoy clean, abundant running water.

As you pass through La Picota, you might see a woman turn on her faucet as she scrubs her family’s laundry in a large outdoor sink, or a young boy fill his cup of water during a quick break from the community soccer game. You might see a determined father attempting to bathe his children before finally admitting defeat and asking his wife for help. You might see an elderly woman open the door to her new Modern Bathroom. These small, seemingly normal tasks would not have been possible just one month ago.

Don Genaro, a leader in La Picota, turning on his faucet
Breaking ground in La Picota

La Picota is the first proud partnering community in the Water for Chinandega project. On February 9, 2021, an eager La Picota gathered with pickaxes and shovels in hand to break ground on their new water system. Only 7 months later, on September 24, 2021, they gathered again, this time with music and dancing as they turned on the water for the very first time. The pipes that now circulate La Picota bring not only clean water to each home, but a transformed future for generations to come.

As La Picota knows, the road to clean water and Modern Bathrooms is not an easy one. It is marked by many challenges; some are expected, most are not. It is characterized by hot days spent digging until your hands ache with blisters and long nights spent scrubbing dried concrete from your pants and shoes.

Looking back on the success of the project in La Picota, you cannot help but notice the many teams that came together, using their God-given gifts for one incredible purpose. As the Apostle Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 12:12, just as the human body has many parts with different functions, so does the body of Christ. So does His church. This design is very intentional. It calls all Christians to learn from one another as we use our gifts to bring Him glory. After seeing community residents, Amigos team members, and friends from NorthRidge and the United States perform various roles with a unified purpose, carrying out God’s perfect design, it is no surprise that La Picota now experiences the joy of a job well done.


Amigos Community Advocates like Carlos and Walter used their patience, experience, and expertise to build foundational relationships with families in La Picota, teaching them the importance of clean water and educating them on the health benefits of subtle habit change. They led the way, creating mutual trust that is an invaluable component to the success of any project.

WFC Team (from left: Walter, Carlos, Ramon, Brian, Scott)
La Picota Leadership Committee



Community leaders of La Picota demonstrated trust, leadership, ownership, and determination day after day, leaning into the possibility of a better future for their families and neighbors.


A mission trip group from Northridge Church traveled to Nicaragua in June to work alongside La Picota, providing renewed motivation, more manpower, and generous resources. Seeing a group of North Americans truly pour their hearts into the project encouraged the people of La Picota to finish strong.

Friends from Northridge and La Picota
Patricia Picado doing her part!

Community members, like the Picado family, showed unwavering faith. Bayardo Picado (39) and his wife, Damaris (35), eagerly took long shifts digging on the water line, graciously invited gringos into their home to help build their Modern Bathroom, and daily set an example of incredible faith for their two children, José Eduardo and Patricia. Trusting the truth that God is working for their good (Romans 8:28), they, like many other families in La Picota, courageously stepped into this project, committing to the hard work that life transformation always requires.

Looking back on a completed project, reflecting on each part and each individual role, we give glory to God for his good design. We give Him thanks for our gifts, unique talents, and blessings. We see the Amigos Team, the Amigos Family, and the communities coming together, using our gifts for a purpose, and making Christ more visible by giving Him all the glory. As God is a promise keeper, we have hope for the next project as we continue to dream of clean water in EVERY home in Chinandega.

1 Corinthians 12:25-26 continues, “This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.” Well, the people of La Picota have access to clean, abundant water and life-transforming Modern Bathrooms, and indeed, all parts are glad!

Water for Chinandega

Dream with us!

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