Victorino Osabas lives in the community of Miguel Cristiano, near Chinandega. Like many other families living there, he remembers living in a feeble house made of plastic and metal sheets. The poor condition of the old homes in Miguel Cristiano tells the horror story of life after Hurricane Mitch.
When the storm hit, everything was destroyed, and all our animals died. At the time, it was my job to take care of the animals, and I was devastated. My family's poverty only worsened after the hurricane."
Now, life is different for Victorino and his family.
A few years ago, when Victorino learned of the Microcredit Loan Program through Amigos for Christ, he was eager and excited to participate.
After several months, Victorino began to see the fruit of his hard work and labor by slight increases in his family’s income. Seeing this economic success, his dreams became feasible in his eyes, and the desire to create a better life for his family was no longer out of reach. It became a possible reality.
Today, Victorino is a proud husband and father, providing a better life for his family. He pays for transportation to and from the local high school for his daughter each day. Made from corn grown by Victorino himself, his family eats tortillas for breakfast, and his wife enjoys preparing other meals in her new Clean Air Kitchen. The family enjoys improved health each day thanks to Victorino and his courage to pursue his dreams.
This family has been and is being transformed, but the story does not end there.
Victorino is so passionate about the Microcredit Loan Program, he joined Miguel Cristiano’s Community Development Committee. He uses his skills and lived experiences to provide expertise, hope, and encouragement to his fellow community members.
Recently, Victorino was one of six graduates from the Microcredit Loan Program. Now, he will continue his planting cycle using his own money from savings and the returned interest from Amigos for Christ.
“From the beginning of the program, I have lived with faith and confidence, knowing that everything has happened because of the Lord. He put Amigos for Christ in my path, and He knows all of our plans.”
“I have learned so much from participating in the program. I have learned the good habit of saving my money, and I have learned to share my knowledge with the people of my community. I will continue to achieve my dreams and help my family without asking other people to support me. I know now that I can do it on my own with my new skills and now with my own money.”
Victorino shares his successes and experiences to promote and bring glory to the kingdom of God. He and his family are now helping others strive toward a better future, all in the name of Jesus!