Model Organization

Amigos Story
Joey McGinn

Why Amigos for Christ

For our 25th anniversary, we asked our Amigos Family what they love about Amigos and why they keep coming back. Their answers remind us why

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Bright Spots
Morgan Coil

What do we take to heaven?

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the impact of our work at Amigos for Christ. To date, we’ve served alongside over 20,000+ individuals living

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Amigos Story
Morgan Coil

The One

Every morning in Chinandega, you quite literally feel the hustle and bustle of life around you. From the first glimpses of the sun rising in

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Christ More Visible
Sabrina Bland

Do You See What I See?

Mark 10: 46-52 tells the story of Bartimaeus, the blind man who asked Jesus to be healed as he was leaving Jericho. I recently re-read

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1 Manzana Project
Sabrina Bland

The Pig Nursery

The pig nursery is complete! The piglets and sows now have a clean and cool area to thrive and grow as they provide local farmers

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Clean Air Kitchens
Sabrina Bland

The Kitchen 3.0

Imagine using the same iPhone that came out in 2008 – the iPhone 1 or 2G! No new features, no new cameras, and no Siri to

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