Chief Storyteller. You can usually find Ivi with a big smile on her face and a camera in her hand. She is passionate about telling stories of transformation and loves being a part of all the good happening here in Nicaragua.

Leading the Way

On a small farm surrounded by vast sugar cane fields, William Matamoros continued to lead the charge of bringing transformation to the community of El Pedregal. When Amigos for Christ broke ground on a new clean water system in 2017, he was there, shovel in hand, ready to get to work. When the opportunity came to invest in a clean air kitchen the following year, William worked tirelessly to save up and bring this important resource to his family as well.

Although he has always worked in agriculture, William struggled with low profit margins in corn production. During harvest time, William had to get up before the sun, take his produce by bus to the local market, and then return to a full day of work that awaited him on the farm. He considered moving to Costa Rica to seek more reliable work. That all changed when William joined the 1 Manzana Project last year.

The 1 Manzana Project empowers farmers with the opportunities, resources, and expertise needed to experience transformation. By investing in water, capital, technology, and people, we are helping farmers to break the cycle of debt, increase their daily income, and provide full-time employment for others within their communities.
In recent months, with the support of the 1 Manzana Team, he has expanded a solar-powered irrigation system, built a greenhouse, and begun developing his own organic fertilizer. He now grows 16 unique products, including dragon fruit and papaya, and that diversity of crops has allowed him to maintain a steady income. With the AgroAmigos team coming to his farm to buy his products every week, he has more time to dedicate to his work and his family.
Like all participants in the 1 Manzana Project, William receives monthly technical visits from our team and attends regular capacity building workshops to help grow his small business. He is known among his peers for humbly accepting feedback and using it to improve his work. He is not afraid to innovate and has even been recognized by other organizations for the impressive strides he has made in his business.

“This project is something new for me, but I am very excited to learn, little by little. I am always looking for the next opportunity to provide a better life for my family,” he says.   

William Martinez

This story was featured in the 2023 Annual Report.

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