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Chief Storyteller. You can usually find Ivi with a big smile on her face and a camera in her hand. She is passionate about telling stories of transformation and loves being a part of all the good happening here in Nicaragua.

What is an Amigos Community Advocate?

At Amigos for Christ, we believe that there are many different ways to facilitate life transformation. We know that people have specific, God-given gifts and talents, and we trust that they will share their gifts with others in order to promote change.  

Amigos Community Advocates are the hands and feet of our mission.

Day in and day out, you can find Community Advocates walking long miles between houses in rural communities, visiting families, and doing the hard work of promoting habit change in the people that they serve. Due to their consistency and example, Community Advocates have built trust with community members, and community members are eager to listen and learn from them.  



Community Advocates have the privilege of celebrating families’ successes, from the smallest steps to the largest goals. We measure progress step by step, using a system called micro-destinations. As a family advances along in Plan 7, they are meeting various micro-destination goals. For example, when a family builds a gate to keep animals out of their kitchen, they reach a new micro-destination and take another step toward transformation. The work is slow and tedious, but Community Advocates walk alongside families to celebrate every success.  

What makes Community Advocates special?

They see a family’s needs and empathize, carrying their burdens and making them their own. They help people to carry on even when the road is difficult, and they equip people with the confidence and tools to believe that anything in life is possible. They remind people that God can transform even the most difficult situation into something beautiful in their lives. 

Community Advocates have an impact on each family member, and they encourage each family member to be involved in the transformation. From grandparents to the youngest of children, everyone is inspired by visits from Community Advocates. For example, little Jeffrey is only a child, but he was inspired after participating in a family garden training with Community Advocates. He decided to start his own family garden without help! Now, he is contributing to his family’s growth by providing fresh fruits and vegetables from his garden.  

To read more about Jeffrey’s inspiring story, click here!

Amigos for Christ is currently serving over 9,000 people. Each of these people is known by name, and each person knows a Community Advocate by name. How amazing! The impact that an Advocate can have on a family will last longer than any water system, Modern Bathroom, or Clean Air Kitchen. The skills taught, confidence built, and relationships constructed will last for generations to come. 

Making Christ More Visible

The many stories of transformation that we share are made possible through the work of Community Advocates in communities. They make Jesus Christ more visible throughout Chinandega by walking with families, helping to fulfill their dreams, holding hands while people laugh or cry, and sometimes just being silent while they grieve. Community Advocates are there for every season, the highs and the lows, the endings of old chapters and beginnings of new ones. 

Amigos Community Advocates have become family for people in the communities.

Thank you, Advocates, for dedicating your days to serving families and inspiring so many others to do the same. 

Being a Community Advocate isn’t just a job; it’s an opportunity to transform a life. Transformed people, transform people.

Learn More!

To read more about our community development model, click here.

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