One Manzana - Logistics. Brandon joined Amigos for Christ in 2020 with his wife, Anna. As a member of the Business for Transformation team, Brandon uses the experience he gained as an Army Officer to coordinate logistics for the 1 Manzana Project. With Amigos, Brandon seeks every opportunity to allow the blessings that he has received from Christ flow through him to others.

How Do We Make Christ More Visible?

The mission of Amigos for Christ defines not only what we do, but why we do it. Every aspect of Amigos for Christ is focused on following the example of Jesus in serving others. Whether we are digging ditches for clean water systems and modern bathrooms or providing preventative health care for improved quality of life, our purpose remains the same: to serve in such a way that when others look at us, they see Jesus. This mission allows people from different backgrounds and cultures, people in different countries and stages of life, people with different skills and passions, to all come together – juntos – in imitating Christ and inviting others to do the same (1 Corinthians 11:1).

At Amigos, I work on a project called One Manzana. Through this project, Amigos empowers over twenty local farmers from throughout the department of Chinandega with the opportunities, resources, and expertise to experience true transformation. Fulfilling the cultural mandate to faithfully steward the earth that God has given us, each partner strives day in and day out both to build and to grow.

I love how this project in particular allows each farmer to be a driving force for change in their communities, both agriculturally and economically. As part of this team, I enjoy using the gifts that God has given me in logistics planning to help these farmers obtain the maximum return on their resilient labor.

Beyond One Manzana, Amigos has afforded me even more opportunities to pursue deep and meaningful relationships through one-on-one discipleship, group Bible studies, and more. One of the greatest benefits of the more than twenty years of loyal service in Nicaragua is the level of trust and admiration that the Amigos name carries within Chinandega. With Amigos, I am not merely a worker in an organization, but rather a member of a community. I love being able to experience all of life with my new friends here, whether we are sharing meals or shovels.

Every member of the Amigos team plays a different role and has a different perspective when it comes to our mission. We all experience and reflect the love of Jesus in different ways. Ultimately, we all pour ourselves into our partnering communities so that the love of Christ may flow through us and transform every aspect of their lives.

It is our prayer that as we look back on the work that we have done juntos, the progress that we have made juntos, and the joy that we have shared juntos, we may be able to echo the Apostle Paul in saying to the people of Chinandega, “We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News, but our own lives, too” (1 Thessalonians 2:8).

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