Director of Strategy and Innovation. Scott and his team do much more than analyze data and create impact reports. He loves to engage with people about Amigos for Christ and the transformational work we do. He is passionate about developing people and processes while innovating new ways of serving and engaging our friends in rural Nicaragua, constantly looking for new avenues to increase the impact of Amigos for Christ in the lives of donors, staff, and the communities we serve.

Access to clean water is a blessing!

Water for Chinandega was born from a simple question: What if Amigos for Christ could lead the charge in providing clean, running water in every community and home in Chinandega? While we are an organization that walks alongside communities, families, and individuals in the process of transformational development, we are also skilled in designing and implementing community-based water systems.
Our faith in Christ is the foundation of our work in Nicaragua, it drives all that we do. We recognize that communities can take a giant leap towards their dreams through participating and owning the water systems design and installation. Clean water is not merely a matter of convenience; it is a transformative force that impacts education, health, and economic development.

Check out the impact that water has in communities like we serve in Nicaragua.

1. Education: Empowering Minds for a Better Future

Access to clean water significantly influences education by improving school attendance rates, particularly among young girls. According to UNICEF, girls often bear the burden of fetching water for their families, which can prevent them from attending school. With readily available clean water in homes, children can focus on their education and develop the skills needed to build a brighter future. Statistics reveal that improved access to water and sanitation facilities in schools leads to higher enrollment rates, decreased dropout rates, and enhanced educational outcomes.

2. Health: Restoring Wholeness and Dignity

Clean water is essential for maintaining good health and preventing waterborne diseases. The World Health Organization estimates that globally, 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, resulting in the spread of diseases.
In contrast, access to clean water at home allows individuals to practice proper hygiene, such as handwashing, which is one of the most effective measures against infectious diseases.
The impact on health is staggering, as UNICEF reports that providing clean water and sanitation facilities could save the lives of over 800,000 children annually.

Economic Development: Unlocking Potential and Breaking Cycles

The availability of clean water at home sets the stage for economic development within communities. Water plays a pivotal role in agriculture, industrial production, and entrepreneurship.
With reliable access to water, farmers can irrigate their crops, leading to increased productivity and food security. Industries can thrive, providing employment opportunities and fostering economic growth.
Moreover, access to clean water opens avenues for entrepreneurial ventures, such as water treatment facilities and small-scale businesses. According to the World Bank, every dollar invested in water and sanitation yields an average economic return of $4.30.
Access to clean water is a blessing that extends beyond physical needs. It is a gift that transforms lives, breaks cycles of poverty, and restores dignity to individuals and communities. The impact of clean water on education, health, and economic development is profound, enabling children to pursue their dreams, promoting good health, and creating opportunities for sustainable growth. Amigos for Christ and our partners are working to ensure that everyone in the department of Chinandega has access to this life-changing resource.

Water for Chinandega

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