Education Director of the Amigos Academy. Nic has taught in many types of schools across the United States and now has the immense blessing to bring his experience to the beautiful community of La Chuscada.

Best of the 2022 school year

We are proud that at the Amigos Academy our students receive the most complete and holistic education in Chinandega. 

Our dream is to educate with excellence, engage and empower families, inspire communities, and transform people and we are happy to say that we are walking towards achieving that dream.

Last school year we were able to accomplish a lot, JUNTOS:

  •  200 rural Nicaraguan students and their families were served.
  • More than 90,000 plates of nutritious food were served using organic produce from our school farm.
  •  1,400 hours were spent in counseling sessions with students and parents, working through issues and promoting mental health and wellness.
  •  98% attendance rate was achieved, meaning that the investment per student is being maximized to create a brighter future for our students. In other rural schools, the attendance rate this year was 78%.
  • 100% of our student body received computer classes and daily English classes which means our students will be adequately prepared for high school, college, and the competitive workforce.


These numbers and metrics are essential to tracking our progress and helping us improve, but we do not forget that each number and data point represents the life of a student or family transformed.

The story of Justin, Lisel, Pablo, and Marisol is one of those examples.

Last year, all three of Marisol’s kids, Justin in 6th, Lisel in 2nd, and Pablo in 1st entered the school year malnourished and emotionally impacted by the uncertain circumstances of their household.

Marisol, a single mom of three who did not finish high school, was working hard to hold down random jobs in the city of Chinandega. Instability was the only constant in their lives as the kids moved around from living in La Chuscada to living in the city with their grandmother. Marisol did everything she could to provide for her kids, but the profit from selling surgical masks only went so far in allowing her to put food on the table and keep the lights on. The lack of a mother figure in the home was affecting the academic and emotional lives of Justin, Lisel, and Pablo.
Sensing the turmoil after a few counseling sessions, the Amigos Academy was able to offer Marisol part-time work that would allow her and her kids to make enough money to live closer to school and be present with her kids after school to support their learning. Her will and hard work soon earned her a full-time job and even more stability.
Now, we are proud to say all three of her kids progressed and thrived in their studies; Justin graduated at the top of his class, and Lisel and Pablo are some of the top readers and writers in their grades. Nutritionally, they are all healthier from being able to afford a more balanced diet. Marisol even received a scholarship through Amigos for Christ to go back and get her degree so that she can continue to provide stability for her kids.
Stories of transformation like this are what inspire us to serve even more families and students through the generosity of the Amigos family.

The Amigos Academy

The Amigos Academy in the rural community of La Chuscada provides quality education that focuses on excellence, innovation, and being a model for other schools.

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