Communications Coordinator. Anna joined Amigos for Christ in 2020. She loves the mission of Amigos, and as part of the communications team, she seeks to follow Jesus’ perfect example of service so that His love and power become more visible. Being blessed as part of the Amigos Familia, Anna views it as a privilege to bring joy to Nicaraguan neighbors for the glory of her loving Savior.

A Teacher’s Why

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

Years ago, Jesus revealed His desire for His people – that we may have abundant life. Through His sacrificial death, we may have life and an abundance of grace from Christ, producing the fullness of joy, glory, and happiness. Today in Nicaragua, down a bumpy dirt road, in the middle of the rural community of La Chuscada, Profe Jenny Bojorge works to make Christ’s love visible to her students at the Amigos Academy. She shares the same desire for each one of her young students – lives filled with an abundance of grace and joy.   

Jenny Bojore, the Amigos Academy 4th-6th grade Language Arts and Culture teacher, was truly born to be an educator. With 12 years of teaching experience under her belt, her passion for teaching children and her love for education continue to grow each day.  

When Jenny was in high school, she fell in love with learning the English language. Her high school teacher believed in her, which inspired her to then believe in herself. Now Jenny is bilingual, fluent in Spanish and English. She says that during the process of mastering English, she fell in love with learning and studying. Jenny is often struck with wonder and astonishment knowing that our God-given minds are capable of learning and stretching. She began teaching because she wanted to encourage the love of learning in younger generations.  

In her class, Jenny strives to inspire an appreciation for languages and cultures. “Once you overcome a language barrier, you understand that all cultures are very similar. We are all just people, and we have so much in common, and we have so much to share and teach one another.” Jenny attempts to incorporate English, theater, cultural dances, and arts and crafts into her daily instruction in order to inspire creativity and open-mindedness. Jenny makes her teaching fun and entertaining, and she is motivated to challenge herself with new, innovative educational strategies. 

Why the Amigos Academy?

When asked why she loves working at the Amigos Academy, Jenny’s eyes become watery, and she cannot contain her big, beautiful smile. “At the Amigos Academy, we focus on students as people, not just grade point averages. Of course, grades are important, but we emphasize holistic student well-being – emotional health, family life, social life, and academic performance.”  

“When you really have a connection with a student, you actually know how to help them. In the past, when I worked in other schools, my students’ lives were completely separate. I stood in front of them, taught, and then they left my classroom. That was it. Now, I really know the ins and outs of my students’ lives. I understand that academic success hinges on a child’s overall well-being, and the Amigos Academy really emphasizes connection and love between teachers, students, and their families.”

Working at the Amigos Academy, Jenny knows she is a part of a movement that is so much bigger than just what happens within the Academy walls. Jenny witnesses firsthand the impact that the Amigos Academy has on families and neighboring communities. Transformation begins with the young, impressionable generation of Nicaragua’s next leaders and visionaries. Jenny says she has seen children reminding their parents to, “wash your hands before you eat,” or “pray before we have breakfast.” In those moments, she feels hope for a transformed future. 

Jenny's Why

“My greatest hope for my students is that they know who they are and what they are capable of.” Jenny dreams that she can help inspire her students to overcome the common mentality that they are destined to remain in the same cycle of poverty that has ensnared their families for generations.

Each time a child sings a solo, presents in front of the class, participates in a cultural dance, speaks in English, or offers a creative idea, Jenny says that she can see confidence grow. “I see the children begin to believe in themselves, and I know that poco a poco, or little by little, they will begin to believe that God has more in store for them.”

Interested in Sponsoring a Student?

Check out the Amigos Academy Scholarship Program!

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