smiling group of people
Communications Director. Since joining the team in 2018, Morgan continues to find inspiration on a daily basis from the passion brought to the table by the entire Amigos familia, team, and communities we partner with. She feels lucky to play a role in the story God is writing through Amigos and loves connecting others to the heart and transformation behind it all.

When No One Is Watching

A well-known basketball coach, John Wooden, once said:

“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching”.

This quote made me begin to think about all of the work that is done at Amigos when no one is watching. I immediately thought of our AgroAmigos team. Before the sun even peeks out for the day, they arrive at the production facility at the Amigos Complex week after week. They load the trucks, pick up the organic harvests, and get to work early so that the labor of all our 1 Manzana farmers can be shared with the people of Chinandega.



I have no doubt that some of these mornings are long, and I’m sure there are days when it is nearly impossible to get out of bed. The AgroAmigos team is one of many teams doing this daily “behind-the-scenes,” early hours, late-night type of work.

smiling group of people

The Why

Then I started to think about each team member’s “why.” I’m sure everyone has their own version of why, or purpose, when it comes to getting up at early hours and putting in extra hours even during vacation. For some, their why is family-related; for others, it might be career-related. One thing we have the gift of sharing in common here at Amigos is the why of our mission – To serve to make Christ more visible.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Reading these verses, I am reminded why it matters to do the work when no one is watching: God sees us. We all have the opportunity to serve so that Christ is made more visible – in the early mornings, late afternoons, and extra hours. I am so encouraged by these verses and by our coworkers that do such important work, especially when no one is watching.

Thank you to everyone in the Amigos Family – our team members, board members, mission trip participants, interns, and generous donors. There are a lot of people who do a lot of work when no one is watching so that we can live out our mission here in Nicaragua. I am grateful, and you are seen – most importantly by the Author of it all.

Make Christ More Visible

Our faith moves us to love and serve others. Be part of life transformation in Nicaragua.

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