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Chief Storyteller. You can usually find Ivi with a big smile on her face and a camera in her hand. She is passionate about telling stories of transformation and loves being a part of all the good happening here in Nicaragua.

Roberto’s Pigs

To get to Roberto’s house in the community of Mina de Agua, Nicaragua, during the dry season, you have to drive along a long dirt road that leads to a dry, rocky riverbed. During the rainy season, it is practically impossible to get to his house.

At 52, Don Roberto is strong, diligent, innovative, and cheerful. He has worked hard and successfully grown corn, dragon fruit, and raised pigs. Roberto’s story illustrates the impact the Microcredit Loan Program can have on the lives of rural Nicaraguan families.

Microcredit Loan Program

There was a time when Roberto’s fields were empty. When his children finished high school, they faced the possibility of never going to college because there were no schools nearby, and his family had fallen on hard times. His children’s futures seemed bleak, but everything changed when Amigos for Christ visited Mina de Agua to introduce the Microcredit Loan Program, a program that works to bring financial stability and independence to farmers and small business owners. With that kind of stability, families can go from simply surviving to thriving.

Amigos has been with me in good times and bad times. When I had nothing, they came to my community and offered me the Pig Project. I started raising pigs, selling them, and I began to earn a steady income since I received them.

Shortly after Roberto and his family received their microcredit loan at the end of 2017, their family began to make money, and in a year, they were able to raise and sell 22 pigs which helped them earn enough to pay tuition for their children to go to college and to begin planting crops! Today, Roberto’s family’s fields are thriving and green. Fruit trees and rows of corn grow as far as the eye can see.

With his remarkable drive, cheerful optimism, and resilience, we are sure that this family will continue to thrive and enjoy sustainable economic stability.

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