Life Transformation

Christ More Visible
Annie Bland

Blessed to Bless

Saint Francis de Sales once said, “There is nothing small in the service of God.” In the midst civil unrest, travel restrictions, and COVID-19, I

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Morgan Coil

A New Chapter

On October 8th, 2021, life in the rural community of El Chaparral was transformed. The moment clean water burst from the pipes on their water

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Bright Spots
Danny Duggan

Be Brave

As Melvin and I sat under the Amigos Rancho, he began sharing his greatest hopes and dreams and the obstacles he has overcome to be

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Amigos Team
Danny Duggan

Grateful for Transformation

Transformed people transform people. These are four words, interwoven, that carry the complexity of a snowflake, the power of a wave crashing on the shore,

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Christ More Visible
Sabrina Bland

Do You See What I See?

Mark 10: 46-52 tells the story of Bartimaeus, the blind man who asked Jesus to be healed as he was leaving Jericho. I recently re-read

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Anna Walker

He Won’t Carry Water

Driving down the windy, dusty roads of the community of El Chaparral, the vibrant, blossoming red flowers juxtapose the images of old latrines resting in

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Clean Air Kitchens
Sabrina Bland

The Kitchen 3.0

Imagine using the same iPhone that came out in 2008 – the iPhone 1 or 2G! No new features, no new cameras, and no Siri to

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