Christ More Visible

Christ More Visible
Morgan Coil

Taking Chances

God Using Partnerships for His Good In June of 2018, I wondered if I would ever be able to move to Nicaragua. I was eager

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Christ More Visible
Laura Myers

Leaders in Action 2022 Retreat

Dreams, goals, the future…these are common themes in the lives of high school and university students all over the world and especially in the lives

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Christ More Visible
Sabrina Bland

¡Buenas! ¡Adelante!

“¡Buenas! ¿Permiso?” “¡Buenas! ¡Adelante!” These are the 2 phrases that are always spoken when we visit a house in the community. “¡Buenas! ¿Permiso?” Hello! Permission

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Amigos Academy
Anna Walker

A Teacher’s Why

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 Years ago, Jesus revealed His desire for His people – that we

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Christ More Visible
Scott Cunningham

Life to the Full

I first came across the term “transformational development” over 10 years ago when I was introduced to the book, Walking with the Poor, by Bryant

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smiling group of people
Amigos Team
Morgan Coil

When No One Is Watching

A well-known basketball coach, John Wooden, once said: “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching”. This

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Amigos Story
Brandon Walker

Complete My Joy

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by

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