Summary Blurb/ Intro: Do you like to run, join run juntos and run for good cause. Run or Ride to Raise $ for Water in Nicaragua

Sign up to be on the mailing list (I didn’t make the form, so don’t click)

Get Involved

Join us at a race

Get your own group together for a race 


All Proceeds Goes To:

Blah blah blah blabity blah blah

Run with us (and by us, I mean Scott)

Explain how to fundraise and why.

(Make sure you select that you’re raising money for “Run Juntos”)

Race Name

Outdoor Hallway

Another Race Name

The Pool at Hotel Portales

You can do it all by yourself

Blah blah blah blabity blah blah

Step 1: Snap ya fingers

Step 2: do ya step

Step 3: You can do it all by yo’self

If you have questions, go ask Scott

IGNORE BELOW - I need this space