The Lighthouse is a community of amigos who want to continue shining light in Nicaragua as part of their legacy. By entrusting a future gift to Amigos for Christ, members of The Lighthouse give hope and sustainability to our mission in a very powerful way.
In as little as one sentence, you can complete your gift. This type of donation to Amigos for Christ in your will or living trust helps ensure that we continue our mission for years to come.
Browse through the information below, or contact Amigos for Christ at 770-614-9250 or with your questions.
Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
When you include Amigos for Christ in your will or living trust, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
Legal Name: Amigos for Christ
Address: PO Box 969
Buford GA, 30515
Federal Tax ID: 58-2484257
Inform us when you have named Amigos for Christ in your will or living trust by emailing or using the online form below.
See the FAQs below and be sure to inform us when you have named Amigos for Christ in your will or living trust so that we can include you in special gratitude and information. Contact us to ask questions or to join The Lighthouse.
The Lighthouse is a special group of amigos who have named Amigos for Christ as a beneficiary of their will or trust. Giving in this way is called “legacy giving” or “making a bequest.” Upon receipt of a legacy gift, the funds will be invested into a newly formed Amigos for Christ endowed fund. The income generated from the endowment is a general fund for major programs and operations. The legacy gift or bequest is a way to support the organization in a substantial way for many, many years to come.
Legacy giving, also known as a bequest or planned giving, is a gift made to a nonprofit organization as part of a donor’s will or living trust. Legacy giving is one of the most popular and longest-lasting ways to support the causes that are important to you and your family.
Upon receipt of a legacy gift, the funds will be invested into Amigos for Christ’s endowment, a special portion of funding that is invested with a particular strategy to earn investment income for the organization. The income generated from the endowment is a general fund for major programs and operations. Making a legacy gift or bequest is a way to support the organization in a substantial way for many, many years to come.
To make a legacy gift, or bequest, you will leave instructions in a will or living trust. You can learn more from your financial planner or attorney, and bequests are most often left in specific dollar amounts or as a percentage of the estate.
Giving to a charity or nonprofit through a bequest can be a great way to reduce taxes on your estate that could become the responsibility of those inheriting your estate. See your financial planner for more information on financial advantages.
Legal Name: Amigos for Christ
Address: PO Box 969, Buford GA, 30515
Federal Tax ID: 58-2484257
This simple sentence is the language you can use in your will or living trust
“I give and bequeath to Amigos for Christ, currently located at 268 W Main Street Buford GA 30518, [the sum of __________ Dollars ($____)] or [ _______ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate], to be used for its general charitable purposes.”
To inform Amigos that you have named the organization as a beneficiary, click here to fill out your information or contact We are very grateful to partner with you in this way, and we will honor your commitment by serving our neighbors in Nicaragua.
If you have any questions, contact us at 770-614-9250 or
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