Nicaragua Service Trip

World Language Academy

Interested in Joining Us?

Fundraise for your Trip:

You can fundraise for your $350 Room and Board Fee. Click the button below and set your “cause” as Mission Trip Fundraising. You can make one page per person or a group page and raise funds together. 
Please raise all funds by Feb 1.

Zoom Information Meeting:

If you missed the meeting or forgot what was said, don’t worry. We recorded it!

Passcode: K&$m3+dY 

Interest Form:

Let us know if you are considering joining us so we can keep you in the loop as the trip approaches!

This service trip will be hosted by Amigos for Christ, a nonprofit based in Buford. They have been hosting American volunteers in Nicaragua since 1999. They will set up a purposeful week with ways to serve in rural communities through clean water projects, farming, and school activities.




Chinandega, Nicaragua

Trip Cost: $350 + Flight

Trip Contacts:

Mary Toro Bonilla:

(470) 875-3082

Jenny Schmidt:
(757) 880-8957

Where You Will Stay

Our Home, the Amigos Complex

We want your stay in Chinandega to be as comfortable as possible while allowing you to experience what life in Nicaragua is like. 

At the Amigos Complex, morning and evening meals are prepared by Patricia and her team and enjoyed together in the comedor. We come together in the Rancho for evening devotionals, and early risers can soak in breathtaking sunrises over the volcanoes on the veranda. 

At the Amigos Complex you will find:

2 Dormitories

Our two dorm-style rooms can host up to 100 missionaries.

Private Rooms

There are 15 private rooms and bathrooms for families with small children.


We have plenty of showers where you can refresh after a long day at work and fans to keep you cool at night.

Clean Water

You can drink from any spigot on the property thanks to our water purification system.

If you have any specific questions or you’re ready to sign up for a trip, please fill out this form or contact Tessa in the Buford office at

A Typical Mission Trip Week

Day 1: Saturday

Arrive in Managua, Nicaragua, and travel to Chinandega (2-3) hours.

Day 2: Sunday

Opportunity to attend local church service, and visit a local community or climb Cerro Negro volcano.

Day 3: Monday

Community work

Day 4: Tuesday

Community work

Day 5: Wednesday

Community work and special activity

Day 6: Thursday

Community work

Day 7: Friday

Community work and special activity

Day 8: Saturday

Travel from Chinandega to the airport in Managua and depart Nicaragua.